The Paul Ryan Budget Plan has been called courageous and a good plan. Paul calls it the Path to Prosperity but I don't see anything in his plan other than false numbers and sanctimonious sermons on the dangers of helping each other. Paul Ryan himself is touted as one of the Young Republican Guns but I still don't understand why he,this one person, is considered such a budget god. His animosity to those in need is un-Christian and borders on the uncaring. I grew up in the same Catholic faith as Paul Ryan and share the same first name but his logic boggles my mind.
Paul Ryan seems to think that our country has no place or little place in helping the elderly , ill, jobless, homeless or anyone serving the public. The irony is that Paul Ryan attended college using benefits from Social Security he received after his father's death. *Side Note: Why was that fact removed from Ryan's Wiki Page?
There are, I'm sure some very fine qualities in this young man but I'll never understand his motivation to destabilize Medicare, Social Security and eliminate Medicaid and other programs that have made our country one of the most stable economies in the world.
There are taxes and there are taxes and right now Paul Ryan wants to lower taxes on the wealthy not the middle class or lower class working poor. Just to clarify wealthy isn't people who work hard to earn $70,000 per year not even those earning "$249,999.
The Huffington Post's Jon Ward writes:
"Many on the left have said Ryan’s plan is unfair to the elderly and the poor -– who would also be affected by Ryan’s approach to Medicare and Medicaid, respectively. If medical prices continue to rise on their current trajectory, the Congressional Budget Office projected that Ryan’s plan would increase health care costs for seniors and limit the growth of government medical services for the neediest Americans."The Brookings Institute's "Up Front Blog" says:
"Ryan's plan has flaws, of course. In terms of economic growth, it undervalues the kinds of investments in science, health research, education programs, infrastructure, and other key types of "domestic discretionary spending" that are needed to build a strong economy. In terms of fairness, its approach to income tax reform lets off higher-income Americans too easily."I wonder if we will ever have more Paul Ryan's when Social Security falls apart?
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